Leather vs Cotton vs Nylon Lifting Straps: Which Are Better?
As a personal trainer, part of my job is to help my clients pick the best training equipment, so I’m often asked which material would be best for lifting straps: leather, nylon, or cotton. Cotton l...

Wearing Knee Sleeves For Squats: Tips + How Much Do They Help?
As a powerlifting coach, I’m often asked if it’s worth wearing knee sleeves for squats, how they help, and how much additional weight one can expect to lift when wearing them. Here’s my response: ...

7 Types of Lifting Belts (Explaining The Pros, Cons, & Which Is Best)
Weightlifting belts come in different styles, thicknesses, and materials, and based on what kinds of activities and exercises you do in the gym, one type may be better than others. If you purchas...

Best Shoulder Warm Up With Bands (According to Trainer)
Drawing from nearly a decade of personal training experience, I'm here to guide you through the optimal shoulder warm-up routines with bands to boost strength, flexibility, and joint stability. I ...

The Best Glute Activation Warm-Up With Bands
Proper glute activation is key for safe and effective lower-body workouts, and one of the easiest ways to activate your glutes is by using resistance bands. As a personal trainer with nine years of...